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A positive side effect of employing one-to-one is the united community. A benefit of having system-wide digital learning in place is that there is always some kind of celebration or success happening, bringing a sense…
Any seasoned school official is well-aware of how ideological shifts in federal and state governments can and often do impact the ability of the public education system to serve all students equitably. Short, one-time increases in federal or state dollars…
At the end of the 2016-2017 school year, 53 percent of our third-grade students performed at the “proficient” level on the M-STEP English language arts end-of year administration exam. While this was almost 10 percentage points…
Before the pandemic, many school districts were slow to adopt online learning, but as the coronavirus continues to disrupt conventional instructional methods, edtech solutions that deliver effective, engaging remote and hybrid learning…
Expected growth and assessment are part of all successful teaching plans. The general expectation is that for every year in school students will accumulate a year’s worth of new knowledge, but how do we successfully assess students…
Teachers everywhere describe how tough it can be to engage every student around the same knowledge and ideas without spending tons of time customizing materials, since the learners they serve possess such varying skills and interests…
With students of all ages and in almost every classroom in U.S. schools not on-track for literacy at grade-appropriate levels (as per the National Assessment of Educational Progress 2015 and 2017), the need for accelerated literacy growth is abundantly clear…
From racial injustice to culturally responsive curriculum, the education experts at Achieve3000’s 2020 virtual National Literacy Summit tackled some of the toughest issues facing today’s educators. Here’s a glance at some of the insight…
In the spring of 2017-2018, Achieve3000 analyzed the performance of students in the Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD) on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and how that performance was impacted…