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While there’s a huge body of research’referred to as ‘the science of reading’s that can guide educators on how to teach literacy effectively and improve outcomes, many educators aren’t aware of it, nor can they easily access it. In this article, I’ll share with you five steps you can take to improve literacy outcomes for your students, guided by the science of reading.
On average, students who used Achieve3000 Literacy improved by 67 scale score points on the STAAR reading assessment from spring 2017 to spring 2018. Notably, students who completed 80 or more lessons* and who maintained an average first-try score of 75 percent or above on the embedded assessment, demonstrated the largest increase of 90 scale score points.
In order to meet the needs of our school population, I work with staff to differentiate literacy instruction in the classroom and in virtual learning environments to ensure that our English Language Learners (ELL) are receiving appropriate…
It’s essential for school-level leadership to be engaged in a continual learning cycle as well, so they can effectively provide guidance for their teachers while maintaining an eye on student performance…