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National Lexile Study Shows Accelerated Reading Growth Across Ethnic Groups

The National Lexile Study, a respected and recognized independent research analysis conducted by MetaMetrics®, the creators of the Lexile® Framework, was released today by Achieve3000. The study found that nearly 800,000 students in grades 2-12 who were active in Achieve3000 Literacy from 2020-2021 achieved almost two times their expected reading gains. As part of Achieve3000’s corporate commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, this year’s study includes the first-ever analysis of reading growth across race and ethnic groups. While there are some variations, all students achieved comparable rates of acceleration which increased with higher levels of engagement.
Group of people standing on stage

The Greatest Reset

I do not know what changes lie ahead, but I do know I want to evolve and be living with the best version of me possible. Much like my phone, I need updates that fix my flaws on a regular basis. The last 12-months have given me time to reflect. With my normal... Graphic design alphabet and writing

Building an Authentic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative: 3 Lessons We Learned

Most corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives focus on examining recruitment practices, salaries, raises, types of work, and internal training opportunities, looking for signs of potential disparities between employee demographic groups. These are, of course, important components of any initiative — but if an organization wants to really shift corporate mindsets around DE&I for good, its efforts need to be authentic and effective.